2022年12月10日 星期六

[lxc, network, bridge] How to setup IP addresses from your LAN using a bridge to your LXD Containers (DHCP)

How to setup IP addresses from your LAN using a bridge to your LXD Containers (DHCP)

井民全, Jing, mqjing@gmail.com

This document shows you how to assign your LXD containers IP address from your host LAN using a bridge. Whole knowledge was from the Simos Xenitellis blog page[2].

Table of contents

1. Quick 1

2. Procedure 2

2.1. Create a new bridge and Interface to the host 3

2.2. Obtain the IP 3

2.2.1. Setup the brigade IP from DHCP 3

2.2.2. Setup a static IP to your bridge 4

2.3. Use the Bridge 5

2.3.1. Create a new profile for bridge networking 5

2.3.2. List profile 6

2.3.3. Launch a container and use the bridge profile 7

3. References 8

1. Quick

# create a new bridge

sudo nmcli con add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0    # create a bridge br0

# add a interface to ens33 nic

sudo nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname ens33 master br0  # add a  interface to nic

nmcli connection show

# enable the bridge

sudo nmcli con up br0

ip a s br0   # verification

# use the bridge

# Step 1:  create a profile, called bridge-profile

lxc profile create bridge-profile   

cat <<EOF | lxc profile edit bridge-profile

description: Bridged networking LXD profile



    name: eth0

    nictype: bridged

    parent: br0

    type: nic



lxc profile list

# Step 2: Launch the container

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c3 --profile default --profile bridge-profile


lxc exec c3 -- /bin/bash

ping www.google.com

2. Procedure

2.1. Create a new bridge and Interface to the host

Step 1: Create a bridge called br0 

sudo nmcli con add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0    # create a bridge br0

Step 2: Add an interface to the host nic ens33

sudo nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname ens33 master br0  # add a br0  interface to nic

e. g.

nmcli connection show

2.2. Obtain the IP

2.2.1. Setup the brigade IP from DHCP

Setup a DHCP based IP for your bridge

sudo nmcli con up br0

ip a s br0     

If you do not see the ip that assigned to the br0, try to renew the ip

sudo dhclient -r br0; sudo dhclient br0


systemctl restart networking.service


Reboot the VM.

2.2.2. Setup a static IP to your bridge

sudo nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.addresses ''

sudo nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.gateway ''

sudo nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.dns ''

sudo nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.method manual

sudo nmcli con up br0

nmcli con show


2.3. Use the Bridge

2.3.1. Create a new profile for bridge networking

lxc profile create bridge-profile

Here, the eth0 is the LXD container's nic name, and setup the traffic to the br0 interface via parent parameter.


cat <<EOF | lxc profile edit bridge-profile

description: Bridged networking LXD profile



    name: eth0

    nictype: bridged

    parent: br0

    type: nic



2.3.2. List profile

lxc profile list

2.3.3. Launch a container and use the bridge profile

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c3 --profile default --profile bridge-profile


lxc exec c3 -- /bin/bash

test : connect from Host


3. References

  1. https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-20-04-add-network-bridge-br0-with-nmcli-command/

  2. https://blog.simos.info/how-to-get-lxd-containers-get-ip-from-the-lan-with-routed-network/