2022年12月10日 星期六

[lxc, network, router] How to setup network for your LXD containers between hosts (Static IP)

How to setup network for your LXD containers between hosts (Static IP)

井民全, Jing, mqjing@gmail.com

FAQ: Docker, LXD, KVM, Vagrant, VirtualBox, VMWare, Hyper-V 

如果你想讓你的 LXD container 掛上 host 的 subnetwork, 並且能夠讓上面的各式 host 自由存取containers 上

執行的為服務,  就像在 VirtualBox 或 VMWare 設定你的 VM 網路使用 bridge 模式一樣. 請服用這篇文章.

This document shows you how to get your containers to be accessed between hosts. You can set your containers on the same subnet with host and communicate each other just like as an other machine on the net.

The key idea is to create a LXD profile in which we setup the router and redirect the traffic to the parent of host nic, for my case, this is the ens33. The knowledge used in this document were fully follow to the doc[1], if you are interested in detail, check it to get more.

Table of contents

1. Quick 2

2. Procedure 3

2.1. Install LXD 3

2.2. Get your host network informaiton 4

2.3. Create a templated lxd profile 5

2.4. Copy and Use the profile for your containers 5

3. Verification 6

3.1. Test 1: Access www.kimo.com 6

3.2. Test 2: Access from Host 7

4. Appendix 8

4.1. Create another container with the router 8

4.2. Verification 9

4.2.1. Test 1: Test traffic to Internet 9

4.2.2. Test 2:  Traffic from Host 9

5. References 9

1. Quick

# Step 1: Install LXD and initial it

sudo snap install lxd --channel=latest/stable

sudo apt-get install bridge-util  # install bridge util

sudo usermod -a -G lxd ${USER}

su - ${USER} # apply the new group membership

lxd init

# Step 2: Get your host nic name  (here is ens33) and the host subnet

ip a    # Get to known the sub-net and the host nic name

lxc network list

# Step 3: Create a template profile for your next containers 

lxc profile create my-routed

lxc profile edit my-routed


  user.network-config: |

    version: 2








                search: []


            -   to:


                on-link: true

description: Default LXD profile




    nictype: routed

    parent: ens33

    type: nic

name: my-routed_192.168.1.200


# Step 4: Setup your container with the profile and run

lxc profile copy my-routed my-routed_192.168.1.200

EDITOR=vim lxc profile edit my-routed_192.168.1.200

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c1 --profile default --profile my-routed_192.168.1.200

# Verification

lxc exec c1 -- /bin/bash

ping www.kimo.com

ip a

2. Procedure

2.1. Install LXD

sudo snap install lxd --channel=latest/stable

sudo usermod -a -G lxd ${USER}

su - ${USER} # apply the new group membership

lxd init

==> Size in GiB of the new loop device (1GiB minimum) [default=23GiB]: 115GiB

# if you want to remove the container

# lxc delete ubuntu-container --force

# install bridge util

sudo apt-get install bridge-util

# list network

lxc network list

# delete default router

# sudo apt-get install bridge-utils

# sudo apt-get install

# sudo ifconfig lxdbr0 down

# sudo brctl delbr lxdbr0

# lxc network delete lxdbr0

# remove lxd

sudo snap remove lxd --purge

2.2. Get your host network informaiton

The nic name and the subnet are the points that will be used for the traffic parent the ip address for your container. Here, the parent nic will be ens33 and the subnet will be 192.168.1.x.


2.3. Create a templated lxd profile

lxc profile create my-routed

lxc profile edit my-routed

Fill the following setup. Nerermind, the statement "". It will get assigned by lxd for the routed inteface.


  user.network-config: |

    version: 2








                search: []


            -   to:


                on-link: true

description: Default LXD profile




    nictype: routed

    parent: ens33

    type: nic

name: my-routed_192.168.1.200


2.4. Copy and Use the profile for your containers

lxc profile copy my-routed my-routed_192.168.1.200

EDITOR=vim lxc profile edit my-routed_192.168.1.200

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c1 --profile default --profile my-routed_192.168.1.200

lxc profile copy my-routed my-routed_192.168.1.201

EDITOR=vim lxc profile edit my-routed_192.168.1.201


lxc profile list



Check the container router. 

The traffic will via

3. Verification

3.1. Test 1: Access www.kimo.com

lxc exec c1 -- /bin/bash

ping www.kimo.com

ip a

3.2. Test 2: Access from Host


4. Appendix

4.1. Create another container with the router

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c2 --profile default --profile my-routed_192.168.1.201

lxc list


4.2. Verification

4.2.1. Test 1: Test traffic to Internet

4.2.2. Test 2:  Traffic from Host

5. References

  1. https://blog.simos.info/how-to-get-lxd-containers-get-ip-from-the-lan-with-routed-network/

  2. https://thomas-leister.de/en/lxd-use-public-interface/