2022年12月10日 星期六

[nextcloud, raspberry, lxd, zfs] How to setup Nextcloud server in Raspberry LXD Container with ZFS system backend

How to setup Nextcloud server in Raspberry LXD Container with ZFS system backend

井民全, Jing, mqjing@gmail.com

Slow but worked. Maybe It's time to replace 3B+ to 4.

下面這篇文章把 樹梅派, Nextcloud, ZFS, software RAID, LXD container, Proxy network 全部合在一起, 按圖施工照表操課.

系統正常運作, 但是樹梅派已經吃不消了!
不就是簡單的 WebDav protocol 都顯著變慢.

相較之下,之前的設定 用 loop device 搭配簡單 btrfs, 效能好很多. 也是我現在正在用的系統設定, 只是沒有使用到 RAID,
如果你 btrfs 版本有興趣, 可以參考下面連結.


如果你對 zfs +raidz 有興趣,請繼續閱讀。

I like ZFS fiesystem, so, yesterday, I decided set up experiment Nextcloud server in my Raspberry LXD container with ZFS system. Here is the detail procedure, you can find at blew. 

However, the performance running on Raspberry Pi is poor. Maybe RAIDZ1 with compress and deduct take too much resource to handle simple WebDev protocol for RasperryPi 3B+?

The performance issue gots me interesting on whether the configuration that btrfs with software RAID has the same issue.

  1. [nextcloud, rasp, lxd, btrfs] How to install Nextcloud server in Raspberry LXD Container with BTRFS storage backend  (view), (blog)

Anyway, I'll test it for days. 

1. Procedure 2

1.1. ZFS 2

1.1.1. Step 1: Install & setup zfs 2

1.1.2. Step 2: Create a zfs pool & mount the pool 2

1.1.3. Step 3: Create a dataset with compression and dedup function 2

1.1.4. Verification 3

1.2. LXD 3

1.2.1. Step 1: Install & setup lxd 3

1.2.2. Step 2: Set up the exist zfs dataset for container 3

1.2.3. Verification 4 zfs list 4 zpool list 4

1.3. Ubuntu Intance 5

1.3.1. Install & setup Ubuntu instance 5

1.3.2. Setup network 5 Router Mode 5 NAT Mode 6 Setup Network & update 6 Setup proxy 7

1.4. Nextcloud 8

1.4.1. Step 1: Install & setup 8

1.4.2. Step 2: Setup self-sign (for https) 8

2. Reference 9

3. Further Info 9

1. Procedure

1.1. ZFS

1.1.1. Step 1: Install & setup zfs

lsblk #check all your block storage devices

# umount all partitions

sudo umount /dev/sda?; sudo wipefs --all --force /dev/sda?; sudo wipefs --all --force /dev/sda

sudo umount /dev/sdb?; sudo wipefs --all --force /dev/sdb?; sudo wipefs --all --force /dev/sdb

sudo umount /dev/sdc?; sudo wipefs --all --force /dev/sdc?; sudo wipefs --all --force /dev/sdc

lsblk # check no mount points

# install zfs on your raspberry

sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers

sudo apt install zfs-dkms zfsutils-linux # it takes time: 30 mins

dmesg | grep ZFS # check zfs module

zfs --version # check the zfs version

1.1.2. Step 2: Create a zfs pool & mount the pool

# create a RAIDZ1 zpool

sudo zpool create myzfspool raidz1 sda sdb sdc -f

lsblk # check the partitions for each devices

# verify

zpool status # check the pool status

# setup properties

sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/myzfspool myzfspool # setup mount point

1.1.3. Step 3: Create a dataset with compression and dedup function

sudo zfs create myzfspool/mydataset # create dataset on the pool

sudo zfs set compression=on myzfspool/mydataset # enable compression

sudo zfs set dedup=on myzfspool/mydataset # enable deduption

# check

df -h #make sure linux can see it

ls /mnt/myzfspool/mydataset

# undo

# sudo zfs destroy -r myzfspool/mydataset

1.1.4. Verification

zpool status # check the pool status

1.2. LXD

1.2.1. Step 1: Install & setup lxd

sudo snap install lxd --channel=latest/stable

sudo usermod -a -G lxd ${USER}

su - ${USER}  # apply the new group membership

1.2.2. Step 2: Set up the exist zfs dataset for container

lxd init

1.2.3. Verification zfs list zpool list

1.3. Ubuntu Intance

1.3.1. Install & setup Ubuntu instance

lxc launch images:ubuntu/20.04 ubuntu-container

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- ip a #

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- apt-get update


Check po

1.3.2. Setup network Router Mode

# Step 1: Create a template profile for your next containers 

lxc profile create my-routed

EDITOR=vim lxc profile edit my-routed


  user.network-config: |

    version: 2








                search: []


            -   to:


                on-link: true

description: Default LXD profile




    nictype: routed

    parent: wlan0

    type: nic

name: my-routed_192.168.1.201


# Step 2: Setup your container with the profile and run

lxc profile copy my-routed my-routed_192.168.1.201

EDITOR=vim lxc profile edit my-routed_192.168.1.201

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c2 --profile default --profile my-routed_192.168.1.201

# Verification

lxc exec c1 -- /bin/bash

ping www.kimo.com

ip a

E.g. NAT Mode Setup Network & update

lxc launch images:ubuntu/20.04 ubuntu-container

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- passwd ubuntu

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- apt-get update

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- ip a #

E.g. Setup proxy

lxc config device add ubuntu-container myport443 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:


# lxc exec ubuntu-container -- /bin/bash

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- su --login ubuntu


Check pool

1.4. Nextcloud

1.4.1. Step 1: Install & setup

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- su --login ubuntu

# reinstall the packages in container for nextcloud

sudo apt install -y snapd  

sudo snap install core

sudo reboot  # reboot the container

lxc exec ubuntu-container -- su --login ubuntu

# stable version

sudo snap install nextcloud # 24.0.6 --> issue: cannot create subfolder.

# latest version (26.0.0 dev) Nextcloud Hub 3 (26.0.0 dev Build:2022-11-06T23:34:07

# sudo snap remove nextcloud # remove previous nextcloud

# sudo snap install nextcloud --channel=latest/edge


snap changes nextcloud

snap info nextcloud

sudo systemctl | grep nextcloud

1.4.2. Step 2: Setup self-sign (for https)

sudo /snap/bin/nextcloud.enable-https self-signed



2. Reference

  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yOlHZjv9NlYr-PwiiCUjcxa9euxTlzKO5YWOHms0Qb4/edit?usp=sharing

3. Further Info

  1. [nextcloud, rasp, lxd, btrfs] How to install Nextcloud server in Raspberry LXD Container with BTRFS storage backend  (view), (blog)