How to using MQTT Over WebSockets with Mosquitto
井民全, Jing,
This documents records a quick note for setup a MQTT solution over websocket using Mosquitto packages.
(a) Setup the mqtt broker
# Donwload Server docker pull eclipse-mosquitto # pull the latest mqtt server # Download the config file and editing
(b) setup the javascript
File: index.htm
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Test</h1> <script src="index.js"></script> </body> </html> |
File: index.js
// API Doc: 'use strict'; let strBrokerIP = ""; let strTopic = "World"; let client = null; let message = null; let body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; let eleStatus = null; function createHtmlElement(strStyle, strTitle, funClickCallback){ let ele = document.createElement(strStyle); if(strTitle != null) ele.innerHTML = strTitle; if (funClickCallback != null) ele.addEventListener('click', funClickCallback); return ele; } function createHtmlBr(body){ let ele = createHtmlElement('br', null, null); if(body == null){ console.log('Error: createHtmlBr::body == null') return null; } body.appendChild(ele); return ele; } function createHtmlButton(strtitle, funClickCallback, body){ let ele = createHtmlElement('button', strtitle, funClickCallback); if(body == null){ console.log('Error: createHtmlButton::body == null') return null; } body.appendChild(ele); return ele; } function createHtmlPTag(strtitle, body){ let ele = createHtmlElement('p', strtitle, null); if(body == null){ console.log('Error: createHtmlPTag::body == null') return null; } body.appendChild(ele); return ele; } function updatePTagTitle(eleStatus, strTitle){ if(eleStatus == null){ console.log('Error: eleStatus == null.'); return; } eleStatus.innerText = strTitle; console.log('UpdatePTagTitle:: ' + strTitle) } function cbConnect(){ console.log('cbConnect::start to connect and send message'); let clientId = "clientId" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10).toString(); console.log('clientId = ' + clientId); client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(strBrokerIP, Number(9001), clientId); client.onConnectionLost = onMQTTConnectionLost; client.connect({onSuccess:onMQTTConnect}); } function cbSendRandomMsg() {
if (client == null) { console.log('client == null. Not connected?') return; } let strMsg = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10).toString(); message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(strMsg); message.destinationName = strTopic; client.send(message); console.log("cbSendRandomMsg:" + strMsg) updatePTagTitle(eleStatus, "cbSendRandomMsg:" + strMsg); } function cbRegReceiver() { console.log('Register to received a messages'); if (client == null) { console.log('client == null. Not connected?') return; } client.onMessageArrived = onMQTTMessageArrived; } function onMQTTConnect() { console.log("onConnect"); updatePTagTitle(eleStatus, "onConnected"); client.subscribe("World"); } function onMQTTConnectionLost(responseObject) { if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) { console.log("onConnectionLost:"+responseObject.errorMessage); updatePTagTitle(eleStatus, "onConnectionLost:"+responseObject.errorMessage); } } function onMQTTMessageArrived(message) { console.log("onMessageArrived:"+message.payloadString); updatePTagTitle(eleStatus, "onMessageArrived:"+message.payloadString); } function uiMainBuild(){ let btConnect = createHtmlButton("1. Connect", cbConnect, body); let BrTag = createHtmlBr(body); let btSend = createHtmlButton("2. Send Random number", cbSendRandomMsg, body); let btRegReive = createHtmlButton("(3). Reg receiver", cbRegReceiver, body); createHtmlBr(body);createHtmlBr(body); eleStatus = createHtmlPTag("Status", body);
} function main(){ uiMainBuild(); } main(); |
(c) Result
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