焦慮, 輾轉難眠
I recalled how the night before the interviews began I had tossed and turned in bed, feeling quite insecure and nervous. I was going to have to interview there two great spiritual teachers and needed to make sure I was asking the right questions.
Surely there were many others who were more qualified to conduct the interviews.
只要做之前沒做過的事情 或挑戰自己的極限
I was attempting to do something I had never done before, and whenever we challenge ourselves, fear and doubt are inevitable.
I am not sure we ever vanquish these voices.
原來如此, 只要我們在自己能力的邊緣, 就會出現這種思緒
Whenever we are at the edge of our ability and experience, they always whisper in our ears, their worried words.
是大腦為了保護自我遠離未知和不熟悉的自然機制, 雖然理解可是依然無法減緩像刀割一樣疼痛的思緒
I have come to see that these voices are actually trying to keep us safe as they warn us away from the unfamiliar and the unknown, but this does not make their daggers of self-doubt any less painful.
我把事情攬到自己身上. 其實我只是個傳遞者, 我要做的事情是: 幫忙那些想從兩位大師豐富人生智慧中得到好東西的人. 我是一個大使.
這件事與我本身和能力極限無關, 大家都可以做得到, 差別只是我是在現場的人.
I realized that this was not about me, or my limitations.
I was simply the ambassador asking questions on behalf of all those who wanted to benefit from the wisdom of the Archbishop and the Dalai Lama -- and I would not be along during the interviews or in the writing of this book. As the Archbishop has said, whether I was the best one or not, I was the one who was there.
以上是 Douglas Abrams 提出他處理焦慮的經驗.
1. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams, "Humility: I tried to Look Humble and Modest, " in The Book of Joy, Penguin Random House LLC, 2016, pp. 211.