2019年2月22日 星期五

[mind] 達賴 與 Archbishop 等人幽默的心理模式是甚麽?

為何 Dalai Lama 與 Archbishop 喜歡開玩笑?
下面這段話是他的 mindset.

Not to take yourself so seriously. It's not about the belittling humor that puts others down and yourself up. It's about bring people onto common ground.

用這樣的 mindset, 你可以跟任何 "偉人, 名人", 談笑風生, 自由展現自我.

If you can manage to downgrade yourself, if you are able to laugh at yourself and get others to laugh at you without feeling guilty that they are laughing at your. The humor that doesn't demean is an invitation to everyone to join in the laughter.

Archbishop 也說了:
When we learn to take ourselves slightly less seriously then it is a very great help. 

重點來了, 他說:
Then, we can see the ridiculous in us. 

1. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams, "Humor: Laughter, Joking is much Better, " in The Book of Joy, Penguin Random House LLC, 2016, pp. 220.