2019年1月29日 星期二

[mind] 我只是 70 億人口中的一個人而已

我只是 70 億人口中的一個人而已, 沒有特別的理由認為自己比較特別. 所以當我跟女王 國王 或首相在一起的時候, 我總是記得他們和我是一樣的人 --- 人類.
You are just a normal person --- one human being out of seven billion -- you see there's no reason o be surprised or to feel like I should be something special. So whenever I'm with queens or kings or presidents or prime ministers or beggars I always remember that we are all the same.

我才不鳥那些正規的東西, 都是人搞出來的. 主教, 你是由人類的方式誕生在這個世界上, 我想離開的時候, 也會像是一般的人們一樣. 沒有特別的地方.
I don't care about formality or protocol. These are artificial. Really. Bishop, you are born the same human way. There is no special way that bishops are born. And I think, when the end comes, also you will die as a normal human being.


我們大家都是由相同方式出生, 也由相同方式死去. 出生與死亡的過程, 都需要依賴他人的協助, 不管你是達賴或路上乞討的可憐人, 不管你是大主教或可憐的難民.
The Dalai Lama was saying that we are all born and all die in the same way, and at these moments we are totally dependent on others, whether we are a Dalai Lama or a beggar, whether we are an Archbishop or a refugee.

1. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams, "Humility: I tried to Look Humble and Modest, " in The Book of Joy, Penguin Random House LLC, 2016, pp. 208-209.